Week 38-24 - Curiosities

1st official morning in the studio

Greetings from the Mesa

It's finally happened, we are un-stalled. It feels transformative. Things are moving forward again. And more. The garden is go-grow-going big time, a complete 180 from last year. There is at least one resident gopher snake, possibly two, that have been taking care of the rodent population to the extent that it is a non-issue. Monsoon rains have returned keeping the cisterns full so we can keep our 22+ pumpkins well watered. The creative mind is unfurling. The studio is coming into being. Movement is happening. Fall is in the air, at least in the mornings. Finally excited to see where the rest of the year takes us!

Curiosities of the Week

1. In between the last post and this one Biden dropped out of the presidential race, and Harris has, surprisingly enough to me, the Dems excited again. We shall see what transpires in November, but there seems to be hope that the orange turd will fizzle out. He's already imploding. This is what happens to sundowning narcissists. Oh yeah, and there were those assassination attempts too - WTF - the crazies are really coming out of their holes.

  1. Michelle Obama's speech at the DNC convention was a whole masterclass.
  2. Oh Hey! What Kind of Pen do you Use? On my last weekly Wednesday art video chat with my friend we discussed favorite pens. More along the lines of 'oh you have a favorite that you never loan out too', and the lost feeling you get when you can't find your favorite pen. My current favorite is the Zebra Sarasa Clip Gel 0.5 in the Vintage colors. Bic ballpoints are good loaner pens if you don't want to relinquish your favorite. But sometimes loaning your favorite turns more people on to better pens.
  3. I had no idea these existed, but what a great idea! I mean the majority of the time the batteries are just sitting around anyway.
  4. Eagerly awaiting the decision in the Albertsons/Kroger merger. While simultaneously exploring other grocery options.


Books: Recently read A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine (Fiction). Have the sequel on the stack. Loved the world building in this one, and eager to see where this story goes next.

TV/Movies: It's been all Olympics - loved watching all the women succeeding. Only Murders is back for another season, and i'm here for it, even with the Ham radio mistakes - you can't use a ham radio without an antenna... And The Decameron is so nerdy and weird.

Music: Set up the stereo in the studio, and have been listening to my music library on shuffle. Been picking up the guitar again, and the creative ditties that have emerged are rekindling love of music. We went to see Orville Peck in Santa Fe. He has such an amazing voice. The crowd and venue kinda sucked out loud though. This is the second bad experience we've had at shows in SF lately. Also saw Rufus Wainwright perform Want Symphonic with the Santa Fe symphony. The Santa Fe Opera is one of the most amazing venues! And it was an awesome SF show experience so go figure.

Thinking about:

The psychological reckoning of the ongoing pandemic, and all the unhinged behavior we've been witnessing.

Thanks for reading, see you next week (for real)!

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Jamie Larson