Happy New Year

2023 is here, and it's been a whirlwind already. 6 days feels like 6 months.
OWW will get back to regularly scheduled posting next week.
Mondays: Haibuno, daily haiku/haibun, experimenting with doing drawings for the daily haibuns instead of photos this year. Will see if it is doable, see #4 below.
Wednesdays: Tall Tales (semi-regularly), a piece of short fiction.
Thursdays: Weekly photo dump.
Fridays: Curiosities. Some interesting things I've found during the week.
I'm still down with post-holiday whiplash... but here are a few things I've been exploring this week.
- Been thinking about starting our own microgreens set up. Epic Gardening has a fantastic getting started video. Which after watching begs the question, why isn't everyone growing microgreens to supplement their food?
- I gifted This is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You to my partner for Solstice. They've been enjoying the book so much it has inspired a daily "record pull". Instead of sitting around scrolling, we've been listening to new music.
- Related to above, I discovered the Youtube channel My Analog Journal, featuring DJs from all over the world playing records. Last night we began our journey listening to some East Mediterranean Grooves with Sven Wunder.
- Also related to #2, I did a full new years purge of digital content feeds/bookmarks/emails/etc., and deleted Instagram from my phone. It's been a wonderfully distraction free week. Hopefully the lack of mindless scrolling will allow time for drawing all the haibun images! I'm not the only one who is getting super frustrated with all the advertising on IG. I left Facebook years ago, and it might be time to pull the plug on IG too.
- One of my good friends gifted me Fingersmith by Sarah Waters for Solstice. I devoured over half the book on NY day. The twists and turns are so good, haven't been that surprised by a book in ages! Refreshing.
I still have a couple Haibuno posts from last year, and will be posting those shortly. See you next week with fresh 2023 goodies.
What have you been exploring this week?