Week 52-24 - Photos Or how the year ended in pix: Going to be switching things up in the new year. Let's see what 2025 brings. Thanks for reading, see you next week!
Week 38-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa It's finally happened, we are un-stalled. It feels transformative. Things are moving forward again. And more. The garden is go-grow-going big time, a complete 180 from last year. There is at least one resident gopher snake, possibly two, that have been taking care of
Week 19-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa This was the week of not moving forward again because the "rules" keep changing. While we missed the best day of aurora viewing because of clouds, I think we managed to see them on Saturday night (at least through the phone cam). It has
Week 18-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa We've been enjoying warm mornings drinking coffee on the front patio watching the hummers and all the other birds do their spring dance. Flop tan on my feet is for real. Finally some things are progressing, albeit slowly (of course). April winds have been
Week 17-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa This spring has been wonderful - warm for the most part, not too windy, and not too dusty. Lovely, i'll take it. Regular moisture is setting us up for a hopefully productive garden season. Our outside overwintering plants are coming back in full force:
Week 14-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa Winter is lingering. Moods are improving. We've soaked and binge watched TV and built more shed stairs. Garlic, rhubarb, and horseradish are coming up in the garden. Inside we have onion starts and trays of fresh sprouts to eat under a grow light. The
Week 09-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa We had to say farewell to our beloved Squidgey Biscuit last Friday. It's been a rough week. We are all heartbroken. Curiosities of the Week F.T.C. Sues to Block Kroger-Albertsons Grocery Store Deal (NYT) The best news I've heard all
Week 07-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa It's been a week - or a little over a week now. Dealing with sick kitty, continued bureaucracy, some really fraked up news. It's agitated anxiety and grief non-stop. It'll all work itself out. But it's been a
Week 06-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa Happy Lunar New Year! We made dumplings - red bean paste, and chicken green chile. We don't have a yéye, or nǎinai to watch over our dumpling making so we did our best. And they were delicious. Still bogged down in bureaucratic crap, hopefully
Week 05-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa Winter has returned. The atmospheric rivers hitting the west coast are sending the moisture goods our way. Thankfully none of the snow is sticking (so far!). This week did not go as planned when an intense round of pain in the form of hamstring cramping took
Week 04-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa The week of tangled in bureaucracy. In better news with one day left in January I have successfully navigated my first month sans Amazon or Instagram. Don't miss a thing. Curiosities of the Week The Secret Language of Ships (Hakai Magazine) Signs and symbols
Week 03-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa We are alternating between clouds and sunshine so the animals take advantage of the solar gain whenever they can. This week was a bit of a catch-up work wise after last weeks well snafu. We finally got our dump card so we could take garbage in
Week 02-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa It's been a cold and snowy week on the mesa. In between storms we've been having some pretty spectacular sunsets. Our well was out from T-F so it felt like we were camping in the house. Thankfully it ended up being a
Week 01-24 - Curiosities Greetings from the Mesa Welcome back to the Curiosities newsletter. It's been a hot minute. Where did 2023 go? Happy to say byeeeee to a year of utter exhaustion. I'm ready to ignite 2024. Let's go! No resolutions here this year. No point... what
Week 52-23 - Photos Last weekly photo dump... I'll be switching over to a weekly newsletter format starting on 7 January 2024. Become a free member of the site at the link below to get the weekly newsletter directly to your inbox. 25 December 2023: Chai gingerbread cookies with espresso frosting. They
Week 51-23 - Photos 18 December 2023: Been reading a lot lately. Two recents from the stacks. 19 December 2023: The great holiday season yeast rip-off. During normal times you can buy a jar of yeast. If you buy bulk you can get yeast for $6-10 / pound. But during the holidays yeast packets are
Week 50-23 - Photos 11 December 2023: Miga got some holiday treats from friends. They were a hit! 12 December 2023: In an effort to tame the beast of too much going on I have created a DAKboard for the house. So far so good, but I am investigating MagicMirror as a substitute -
Week 49-23 - Photos 4 December 2023: Current winter/holiday reading stack. 5 December 2023: Return of alpine glow season. 6 December 2023: How many times did something happen before they put the "Do not put screws in mouth." warning on the box. 7 December 2023: Hygge season in full force. 8
Week 48-23 - Photos 27 November 2023: Cozy down society 28 November 2023: Inching closer to snuggling every day. 29 November 2023: Snow glitter. 30 November 2023: Oscillating El Nino vibes. 1 December 2023: Sopapilla green chile cheeseburger from La Cocina Encantada, yummy and super friendly place! 2 December 2023: Persian pistachio love cake
Week 47-23 - Photos 20 November 2023: Our plumber gave us fresh elk loin - we had it for thanksgiving. It was delicious! 21 November 2023: The only named plant I own - Mr. Pickle - is growing a new limb after many years. Maybe it should be renamed Mr. Pickles. 22 November 2023:
Week 46-23 - Photos 13 November 2023: Temperatures dropping, everyone is getting cozy in the blankets. 14 November 2023: Like every day. 15 November 2023: They are trying to build a Starbuck$ in town. Someone/s don't like it. They've burnt the build in progress down twice now. They really
Week 45-23 - Photos 6 November 2023: I've been taking Miga out on long walks every day, and she is not in shape after "anvil" summer. I'm collecting a bunch of flat dog photos. 7 November 2023: We went to the firehouse and voted! 8 November 2023: Everybody
Week 44-23 - Photos 30 October 2023: It's fall baking season. Started out with a lemon ricotta cookie to use up some leftover ricotta. So soft and fluffy. Will definitely make again. 31 October 2023: We did a halloween charcuterie board to celebrate spooky season. 01 November 2023: Was very tempted to
Week 43-23 - Photos 23 October 2023: Tiny lizard brigade is making the rounds enjoying the last days of second summer. 24 October 2023: Been busy clearing out the workshop so our supported residents can have a workspace during their visit. We haven't been able to work in the studios because the
Week 42-23 - Photos 16 October 2023: Mama KP and KP hanging at the Rio Fernando wetlands. We ate some lunch in the park, and then went to view birds, but it was the middle of the day and there weren't too many. Lovely day hanging in the park. 17 October 2023:
Week 41-23 - Photos 9 October 2023: The monarchs are coming through really late this year. 10 October 2023: Fall sunsets are really setting off the Sangres. 11 October 2023: Cottonwood golden road to Santa Fe. 12 October 2023: Hanging in the golden aspens. This fall has been a spectacular riot of yellow. 13
Week 40-23 - Photos 2 October 2023: The sun has swung to the south, the solar gain is real, and the Squidge is taking advantage. 3 October 2023: The outdoor garden is coming to an end, and it is time to pull the tomatillos. Had a pretty good harvest this year. 4 October 2023:
Week 39-23 - Photos 25 September 2023: Miga has staked her claim of the lounge chair. 26 September 2023: We've been blissfully free of wildfire smoke, until they set off a prescribed burn to the west. 27 September 2023: Female tarantula burrow and the two leg remains of a male who met
Week 38-23 - Photos 18 September 2023: Wilson's Warbler hitting the sunflowers hard. It's birdpalooza around here right now. 19 September 2023: Gotta love those fall sunsets. 20 September 2023: Picked up our first batch of windbreak shrubs - Serviceberry - from the NM Forestry seedling program. We spent a
Week 37-23 - Photos 11 September 2023: Every couple months ya gotta go to Mantes Chow Cart and have a Trujillo burrito. Crispy cheesy chile filled yom. 12 September 2023: Loggerhead Shrikes impale small prey on barbed wire. I found this mouse present at the gate. 13 September 2023: Merp 14 September 2023: Finding
Week 36-23 - Photos 4 September 2023: Fermented cold dough pizza experiments continue - fresh spinach, tomatoes, and pesto from the greenhouse. 5 September 2023: It's been a great lizard watching year. 6 September 2023: We did a tiny road trip to Colorado to go to a show. We had a lovely
Week 35-23 - Photos 28 August 2023: Squidge has been looking particularly Shakespearean as his hair returns after the summer shave. 29 August 2023: The annual roasting of the Hatch begins... 40 lbs to go. 30 August 2023: The rise of the Blue Supermoon at the end of August was a treat. 31 August
Week 34-23 - Photos 21 August 2023: Vacation continues - a day of hot spring soaking at Ojo Caliente. 22 August 2023: KP's friend is in town and we went to the Taos Pueblo for a short visit. 23 August 2023: Terrible picture of our corn that was ravaged by mice. We
Week 33-23 - Photos 14 August 2023: Day 2 of building the firewood shelter - roof on, and done... Prepping the firewood rack for delivery the next day. 15 August 2023: Firewood shelter racked and stacked. 2 cords of mix. We are set for the winter. 16 August 2023: More much need rain. 17
Week 32-23 - Photos 7 August 2023: We finally put in a gate to the back 10 so we can start making a walking path. 8 August 2023: Heat dome belly vibes. He's finally getting used to the shave. 9 August 2023: Moved the garden shed with the truck. It was a
Week 31-23 - Photos 31 July 2023: Sturgeon Moon 01 August 2023: Greater Short Horned lizard friend 02 August 2023: Full moon dreaming... 03 August 2023: Top er off, enjoying some refreshing mojito mocktails after a hard day of work using fresh mint from the garden. 04 August 2023: Storms over the mountain, but
Week 31-23 - Curiosities 🗞️Greetings from The Mesa It's been ten weeks since the last Curiosities. Time flies... I didn't intend on taking a summer break from the site, but here we are. It's been a busy and hot summer. We've been stuck under the SW
Week 30-23 - Photos 24 July 2023: We're having a bit of a cottontail bunny explosion right now. There's been very little rain so all the predators are closer to the river (at least I think). 25 July 2023: We've been enjoying the crisp mornings before it gets
Week 29-23 - Photos 17 July 2023: Batch #2 of Says Phoebes is half fledged. The two grumpers are left to soar. 18 July 2023: So over the heat dome! But, we have dialed in the adobe house ventilation and window coverings so that it stays below 75 for the entire day (without AC)
AI vs Human - Animation AI vs Human - Animated Short 2:34 - 2023 "an abstract coffee stain outlined in black ink emulating a 0.5 Rotring Isograph" AI vs Human is an experimental animation that pits AI tools versus a human. For the past several months I’ve been researching AI
Week 28-23 - Photos 10 July 2023: We are starting the reno and finishing of the studios. First step replacing the broken window. Youtube DIY videos to the rescue once again! I think we did a pretty good job! 11 July 2023: Meanwhile we finally received our second batch of new replacement windows for
Week 27-23 - Photos 03 July 2023: The summer balloon brigade is in full force. 04 July 2023: Cold fermented dough pizza experiments continue. I think i've perfected the dough recipe and fermentation time. 05 July 2023: A heat dome has settled in, and everyone is flat on the couch in the
Week 26-23 - Photos 26 June 2023: Mourning cloak butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. 27 June 2023: Working on a hand drawn animation called AI vs. Human. More soon... 28 June 2023: Paper bag boys. 29 June 2023: Rainbows galore. Monsoon season hasn't hit its full stride, and may not because of
Week 25-23 - Photos 19 June 2023: We went up to Amalia, NM to dig up some roses and other plants that a lovely human kindly gifted us. She suggested we drive up the road to Valle Vidal. This is the view of Wheeler Peak from the Valle. I can't wait to
Week 24-23 - Photos 12 June 2023: Our workshop/storage container arrived, so we are clearing out the studio. I can see the floor again. Excited to get in here again. It's been our garage since we moved. 13 June 2023: Mourning Cloak chrysalis. Amazingly beautiful. 14 June 2023: Hammockville is officially
Week 23-23 - Photos 5 June 2023: A stormy start to June makes for some spectacular sky drama. 6 June 2023: Mama KP came for a visit, so I made my fermented pizza dough, and we each made personal pizzas. So much fun. So delicious. 7 June 2023: Summer vacation is here, and the
Week 22-23 - Photos 29 May 2023: Baby bird watch continues. There were 5 babies, but one didn't make it. 30 May 2023: Glorious sunrise. 31 May 2023: Tongy being a coy boy. 01 June 2023: Cuddle puddle 02 June 2023: Rain and cold conditions continue, but now with rainbows! 03 June
Week 21-23 - Curiosities Rest in Power Queen. I have been a huge Tina Turner fan for a very long time. I saw her perform once on her Twenty Four Seven tour on June 9, 2000 at the Fleet Center in Boston. She was 60 at the time, and danced up and down the
Week 21-23 - Photos 22 May 2023: Miga thinks she's a cat. 23 May 2023: Who needs a lawnmower when we you have cottontails? 24 May 2023: Says Phoebes babies are emerging from nestzilla! This is the third year in a row they've nested in this spot. 25 May 2023:
Week 20-23 - Photos 15 May 2023: It has been unusually wet this spring - weird and delightful. Leads to lots of daily sky drama. 16 May 2023: We are calling it 'Pink virga season'. 17 May 2023: Makes for lots of cozy cuddle time. 18 May 2023: Outdoor planting of tomatoes,
Week 19-23 - Curiosities 🗞️Greetings from The Mesa It's been a gimpy past couple of weeks with some irritating and immobilizing bilateral ITBS. Starting to feel better, so I'm back to my regular posting schedule. Besides the lack of general mobility to get things done in a timely fashion, it&
Week 19-23 - Photos 8 May 2023: How to share a blanket between species 9 May 2023: Picking up starts in Dixon, NM on a beautiful blustery day filled with flying samaras. 10 May 2023: Galette experiments redux. Just freaking delicious. 11 May 2023: Oil change and rodent nest removal - it was inevitable.
Week 18-23 - Photos May 1 2023: The sky drama continues. The weather has been so weird lately! 2 May 2023: First giant rainbow of the year. And it's not even monsoon season yet. 3 May 2023: Outdoor gardening continues... berries, onions, horseradish, and whatever else we can tuck into the cage.
Week 15-23 - Haibuno 10 April 2023 Singing tears and joy first midwestern thunderstorm “when the rain came down” A constant holding pattern pursued us to Kansas City. It’s strange how thunder echoes when you are 7000 feet lower hidden amongst the trees. The cloud to ground lightning made the carriage house tremble.
Week 17-23 - Curiosities 🗞️Greetings from The Mesa We are all garden all the time. We created a fenced in 24' x 18' outdoor area where we have a bunch of different beds. So far we have raspberry bed, blackberry bed, strawberry and rhubarb bed, a goji berry mound, and a horseradish
Week 17-23 - Photos 24 April 2023: Vieux Farka Toure amazing Malian guitarist. It's too bad the venue and crowd sucked so hard. Loud and bad sound. Glad we went though, super interesting guitarist to watch play. 25 April 2023: La Dame Blanche is a force of nature. High energy and joyous
Week 14-23 - Haibuno 3 April 2023 Pulling baby sage: bend, twist, break, dodge tumbleweeds, eat quiche for dinner I have to ask, is it worth taking the time to catch up? Will it lead to quality or crap? Is it bundled in a scarf, tied and twisted? Maybe this is the last year,
Week 16-23 - Curiosities 🗞️Greetings from The Mesa We love coffee. We have started down a path to discover new coffees that we roast ourselves. There is a an economic and somewhat environmental twist to this story - we save money, we don't have to buy almond milk in large plastic jugs
Week 16-23 - Photos 17 April 2023: Red sky in morning. 18 April 2023: The greenhouse is planted. Winter is holding on, so lets see how long it takes for things to germinate. 19 April 2023: Coldframe straw bed. Carrots, beets, and other rooty goodness. 20 April 2023: Rolling through the tiny town of
Week 15-23 - Curiosities 🗞️Greetings from The Mesa Winter will not stop. Over it. It does give me lots of time to art, write, and bake new things (check out the recipe at the bottom). Do you feel productive, or not so much, in Spring? 👉Curiosities 1. Your devices are listening. Your devices are
Week 14-23 - Curiosities 🗞️Greetings from The Mesa At the end of week 14, and beginning of Week 15 we did a whirlwind trip to Kansas City, MO to see one of my favorite musicians perform a show for a dear old friend. Combined with a frenetic race to get the greenhouse and garden
Week 15-23 - Photos 10 April 2023: Concert for Vickie with Happy Rhodes in Kansas City, MO 11 April 2023: Driving back home through Kansas. Lots of Jesus and Dump signs. 12 April 2023: After road tripping for 3 days we went to Ojo Caliente to soak in the hot springs for the day.
Week 14-23 - Photos 3 April 2023: Cat in box. No caption necessary. 4 April 2023: "Lock him up" 5 April 2023: Full moon rise over purple mountains majesty. 6 April 2023: Kachina Basin kicked my butt, but it was glorious. 7 April 2023: Somewheresville Colorado. We took a pee break behind
Week 13-23 - Curiosities 🗞️News from the Mesa: Lift-driven ski season is coming to a close. I put in 14 days of morning laps, and ~241,081' vertical. The mountain opens to uphill traffic next week. I may try to do some 'earn your turns' days. We'll see how
Week 13-23 - Photos 27 March 2023: After a hard days play... 28 March 2023: Finally made it up to Kachina Peak, it was awesome. 29 March 2023: Ravens off to the forest at sunset. 30 March 2023: Sideways society in full force. 31 March 2023: Sabzeh we've been growing for the
Week 13-23 - Haibuno 27 March 2023 Almanac edit writing, laundry, town, again time keeps on ticking There’s dust in the air with a side of snow flurries. It dropped 30 degrees overnight, a dull gray descending. Grateful that the crick in my upper back eased overnight. It takes time to tick through
Week 12-23 - Haibuno 20 March 2023 Spring Equinox start where is the sunshine hiding? behind, snow rainbow Warm temperatures set the spring time wheels in motion, only to be derailed the very next day by insufferable winds. The spring winds that bring on the battle in step and flight. I want hot dogs
Seasons (Taos County) - Interactive Installation Latest News 4/28/2023: Sound collection has begun. This one was a fun one while watching the morning snow sublimate, and melt off the roof. Water in the desert is a rare-ish sound indeed! Will be doing several traverses of the county in the next couple of weeks. Meltingsnow0:
Week 12-23 - Curiosities 🗞️Greetings from The Mesa I received a newsletter from an artist I follow this week, and I loved the format, so I'm trying something new this week. I have a few more ideas for tweaks ahead in future newsletters. That being said, we are seeing some signs that
Week 12-23 - Photos 20 March 2023: After eating Chinese you end up on the sha fa. 21 March 2023: Ski day in the clouds with glorious rime ice covering every tree. 22 March 2023: Enjoying the last of our firewood for the season. The cold persists. It's getting old. 23 March
Week 11-23 - Haibuno 13 March 2023 Stasis while turning another gray hair stands taut plucky potential Seem to catch up, and then backslide again. Kind of like spring keeps backsliding into winter. It seems the weather is improving, and then the cold and wind rush back in to say ‘nope, not yet fools!
Week 11-23 - Curiosities This week on Hargie: Week 10-23 - Haibuno Week 11-23 - Photos This week elsewhere: 1. The art/importance of having a Practice. Two of my longest practices are keeping a journal of some form (currently on book #116 - mostly regularly since 1986), and having a web presence in
Week 11-23 - Photos 13 March 2023: Birfday carrot cake for breakfast. 14 March 2023: We planted several lbs of two types of garlic seed and they are coming in hot. Excited to see how much garlic we get this year. Our first totally outdoors food grow. The greenhouse is being prepped for spring
Week 10-23 - Haibuno 6 March 2023 Tallying phase two next steps for making land great lots of work ahead Do you have the desired thickness down yet? Do you prefer it crispy or chewy or somewhere in-between? Brown, creamy, or taupe? A quiet girl knows only silent rhymes. Lines tearing through queues tearing
Week 10-23 - Curiosities This week on Hargie: Week 10-23 - Photos This week elsewhere: 1. Premiumization & enshittification of all things. Spontaneity is dead? This whole piece reads like a fresh version of hell ("a boring blob on the horizon...an attention-deficit kingdom of perpetual experience and consumption"). Barf. What it
Week 9-23 - Curiosities This week on Hargie: Week 9-23 - Photos Week 7-23 - Haibuno Week 8-23 - Haibuno Week 9-23 - Haibuno Wooo have I fallen behind, and absolutely no good reason for it. Well except maybe that it was my birfday week. I'm a solid Gen-Xer so that should
Week 9-23 - Haibuno 27 February 2023 Get pic on mountain hear story later at home “he ran and peeled out” There is hope in deep burial. She keeps reminding me, “no one is creeping”. She shows me a relevant cartoon, and it becomes our personal running joke. We watch 50% go dark after
Week 8-23 - Haibuno 20 February 2023 Ice hell at front door finished edit, ordered proof reach brainstorm limits We have reached the time when the decision is final. Or finally executed. Or finely drafted. This all happens when your little sleepy is in americano suspension. For the fourteenth time. Or fortieth. Doesn’t
Week 7-23 - Haibuno Would you like to receive a drawing/haiku postcard? Please send your address to postcards at hargie dot com. And I’ll get one out to you tout de suite. 13 February 2023 First time picking locks open door to waylaid dreams box full of lost time What do they
Week 9-23 - Photos 27 February 2023: #10 morning laps - 164,172' vert for season 28 February 2023: Apricot and ginger scones, big hit. Getting pretty good at coming up with some awesome scone combos. 1. March 2023: Lubia Polo, a favorite Persian rice dish. It's so amazingly flavorful! 2
Week 8-23 - Curiosities This week on Hargie: Will I ever catch-up with Haibuno? There is something not working in my workflow right now... Week 8-23- Photos This week elsewhere: 1. Jill Hess continues her deep dive into Octavia Butler's collection at the Huntington Library. I also just finished A Handful of
Week 8-23 - Photos 20 February 2023: Third or fourth winter has arrived so things are deeply in cozy and planning. 21 February 2023: The snow/thaw cycle this pre-spring has been insane. Cantankerous is the only word for it. 22 February 2023: However, spring is right around the corner, and that means it&
Week 7-23 - Curiosities This week on Hargie: Week 6-23 - Haibuno Week 7-23 - Photos This week throwing out support for some wonderful friends first: 1. My friend Bethany is posting some lovely mixes at her mixcloud My Resonant Frequencies. https://www.mixcloud.com/myresonantfrequencies/ This is a sound experiment. I wanted to
Week 7-23 - Photos 13 Feb 2023: Homemade pizza night - always a favorite. 14 Feb 2023: A chill Valentine's Day reading and couch-surf working with the loved ones. 15 Feb 2023: This year has been colder and more sky dramatic. 16 Feb 2023: Colder and more sky dramatic makes for good
Week 6-23 - Haibuno 6 February 2023 Closed and got the keys excited trip to the land they left so much stuff The quality is declining, because catch-up mode is always activated. The drive to keep writing, keep putting words and images to paper, despite the time and energy set backs. There is an
Week 6-23 - Curiosities This week on Hargie: Lots of updates this week on the site as I catch-up after our road trip last week... Week 6-23 - Photos Week 5-23- Curiosities Week 5-23 - Haibuno 1 Month in Winter - Animation Week 5-23 - Photos This week elsewhere: 1. Erik Hoel chimes in
Week 6-23 - Photos 6 Feb 23: More land, more fun ahead. 7 Feb 23: The cottontails are looking scrawny and ready for spring. 8 Feb 23: The point on our roadtrip to Phoenix where I completely lost my mind... SAGUAROS...EVERYWHERE!!! 9 Feb 23: A really cool member of the mint family that
Week 5-23 - Curiosities This week elsewhere: 1. The Saguaro Cactus poop sheet - https://www.nps.gov/sagu/planyourvisit/upload/The%20Saguaro%20Cactus.pdf - I had no idea there were entire hillsides full of them in AZ until we drove this week. I love them! They are really impressive organisms. 2. The
Week 5-23 - Haibuno 30 January 2023 A satisfaction to feel your own agency your own hands, doing Doing the things that make me jam happy and proud. The pride of accomplishment. I did that. It is beautiful. It makes me smile. Done. 31 January 2023 Second submission I’m maintaining momentum pursuing my
1 Month in Winter - Animation 1 Month in Winter (Taos County) - 18’52” - (2023) 1 Month in Winter is Part 1 of Seasons (Taos County) an interactive installation, it can also be shown separately. Credits Animation and Music: Kiri Hargie Display: 1920x1080 - 50” monitor w/ media player (USB) on stand with headphones
Week 5-23 - Photos Was out of town on a little biz and pleasure trip to AZ, so a bit behind with posts. Will be catching up this week now that we're back! 30 Jan 23: The cuddle buddies 31 Jan 23: State government busy passing important bills. 1. Feb 23: Best
Week 4-23 - Curiosities This Week on Hargie: Week 3-23 - Haibuno Week 4-23 - Haibuno Week 4-23 - Photos This Week Elsewhere: Media Consumption TV Doing some TV watching this week of Poker Face, and The Last of Us. Love me some quality mystery and post-apocalyptic. They are both well acted and have
Week 4-23 - Photos 23 January 23: We found our favorite crackers again! I wrote about it in this weeks Haibuno. 24 January 23: It's been cold, the dog's been cold. She is either wrapped up in a binkie or her sweater. Poor dog. 25 January 23: More gelli print
Week 4-23 - Haibuno Would you like to receive a drawing/haiku postcard? Please send your name and snail-mail address to postcards at hargie dot com. And I’ll get one out to you tout de suite. 23 January 2023 More gelli print play edited stills for printing it’s colder this week It
Week 3-23 - Haibuno Would you like to receive a drawing/haiku postcard? Please send your name and snail-mail address to postcards at hargie dot com. And I’ll get one out to you tout de suite. 16 January 2023 Swing of things delayed everyone is floundering back on track a myth Amongst the
Week 3-23 - Curiosities Starting today I'll post the newsletter once a week on Fridays. Have any thoughts on this? Would you rather receive Photos, Curiosities, or Haibuno? Would you rather have multiple emails per week? Different day for the one newsletter? I'm open to any/all suggestions, just leave
Week 3-23 - Photos 16 January 2023: Received some test prints of stills from a long animation I just finished. They turned out beautifully! More about this project at a later date! 17 January 2023: Passed 100,000' vert for the season, pretty good for once a week morning laps. Lots of soft
Week 2-23 - Curiosities 1. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/01/harvard-happiness-study-relationships/672753/ “Good relationships lead to health and happiness. The trick is that those relationships must be nurtured.” See also: https://www.adultdevelopmentstudy.org/ 2. On a related path: this lovely piece by Chris La Tray https://chrislatray.substack.com/p/
Week 2-23 - Haibuno Would you like to receive a drawing/haiku postcard? Please send your name and snail-mail address to postcards at hargie dot com. And I’ll get one out to you tout de suite. 9 January 2023 “Don’t deflate the jam” tells you just how old I am but I’
Week 2-23 - Photos 9 January 2023 Full moon rise over the mountains... 10 January 2023 The winter sunsets and sunrises have been on fire this month! 11 January 2023 Travel watercolor palette is getting a heavy workout. All of these are Daniel Smith colors, which are my current favs. I especially love their
Week 1-23 - Curiosities 1. I’m trying a new web browser from The Browser Company called Arc. This post was written within the browser using Arc’s Spaces & Notes features. It might be a game changer for getting posts started, and writing/browsing on the fly. I’m not ready to commit
Week 1-23 - Photos January 1: Blue Corn & GF blueberry pancake stack to start out 2023. January 2: Snow incoming. January 3: morning laps, 12,598' vert with a couple mogul runs thrown in for good measure. January 4: alpenglow with almost full moon rise. January 5: When you live an entire
Week 1-2023 - Haibuno Welcome to the first Haibuno of 2023! Slight change ahead for 2023, instead of photos to accompany each days Haibun, I will be posting drawings. Photos will be posted on Thursdays instead. Would you like to receive a drawing/haiku postcard? Please send your name and snail-mail address to postcards
Week 52-22 - Haibuno 26 December 2022 When playing catchup the writing is never as good as in the moment Stale, suffocated, sterile, suspended, stepped, suspicious, saline, surprised, silly, suspenseful. Shallow. 27 December 2022 Made two test movies Projected on the big screen Dazzle with color Fickle brain. Fetid stench. Fabulous mission. Behind, but
Week 51-22 - Haibuno 19 December 2022 Baking palooza begins with a coffee cake and new art supplies It’s barely begun, and already fully exhausted and ready to crawl back in the hole of holiday doldrums. Unable to come to consensus and finding ourselves at the mercy of over zealous incompetence. Thanks for
Happy New Year 2023 is here, and it's been a whirlwind already. 6 days feels like 6 months. OWW will get back to regularly scheduled posting next week. Mondays: Haibuno, daily haiku/haibun, experimenting with doing drawings for the daily haibuns instead of photos this year. Will see if it is
Week 50-22 - Haibuno 12 December 2022 Liminality woman navigates every damned does or doesn’t Maybe it is a ‘dead week’ mental block. Maybe it is too much treat, and not enough vegetable. Maybe it is exhaustion or a lack of imagination. Maybe it is just the way it is, and there isn’
Week 52-22 - Curiosities 2022 Favorites (in no particular order) Books It was a good reading year - I'm closing in on finishing my 36th book of the year. It was hard to choose just five favorites. Rereading all of Octavia Butler's books was one highlight, discovering R. A. Lafferty
Week 51-2022 - Photos It's been a slow week... a lot of lounging, resting, and feasting. The anticipation is building for the start of the New Year though! (and snow is in the forecast)
Week 49-22 - Haibuno 5 December 2022 To feel anything as an ephemeral I in tranquility Keep starting, erasing, rewriting, erasing, starting over, again. Again. A perpetual motion machine that is always on the fritz, inducing madness. 6 December 2022 Tell me an ending narrow road to perilous an evanescence I will tell her
Week 51-22 - Curiosities Happy Holidays! Switching things up this week with only five favorites from the past week! SHORT STORY Isabel Greenberg pens a super fun little graphic short about what happens when Charon falls in love and shirks his duty in The River of Lost Souls. https://www.theguardian.com/books/gallery/
Week 50-22 - Curiosities ESSAY “Why is Everything So Ugly? by N+1 Editors discuss the omnipresence of griege or whatever the heck that ubiquitous gray blah is called. It’s not modern, it’s boring. https://www.nplusonemag.com/issue-44/the-intellectual-situation/why-is-everything-so-ugly/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email In “The Sweet and
Week 49-22 - Curiosities It’s been a week! Links are a little sparser than usual. I blame it on holiday madness, even though it has nothing to do with the holiday season. ESSAYS "Essays in Idleness" 1-10 Yoshida Kenko https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/the-timeless-wisdom-of-kenko-159972347/ "On Going a Journey"
Week 48-22 - Haibuno 28 November 2022 hallucination I see a translucence in the end of desire A wonderful place to help dreams become real. 29 November 2022 Clouds racing to ground tumbleweeds rolling around snow falling no sound She leveled up her healing organically. Three past one past the sunburnt window in the
CAW. CAW. CAW. CAW. - Tall Tales 10,000 crows cawing in the trees. First comes the swoop then comes the claw then comes the carnage of unexpected unprotected knowledge. The sun is setting and all I can do is yawn and watch the crows cover every branch. I try to count them - only their noise
Week 48-22 - Curiosities Music "Racine Carrée Live" Stromae - Full Concert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOZLDQm9c2E "The Sea" by HAEVN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaDGW96tl3c "Windhorse" by Of the Trees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkTIrTkrupc "Mescaline" by Robert Francis
Hermes Pillar - Tall Tales Previously - [The White Ball] II The pillar stands 14m high, a marble white obelisk, shining brilliant in the morning sun. Hermes stands beside it, half its size. Upon his head his petasos is a golden beacon relaying the news of the day, hour, or latest up to the minute
Week 47-22 - Haibuno 21 November 2022 Consolidating easing technologies bite make creative space The numbers, some say this, some say that. Some tell the truth. Some lie outright. Data sets so large it takes a supercomputer 12 days to process. Red will be red, blue will be blue, no amount of flag waving
The White Ball - Tall Tales I Deep in the Kalypso gorge a giant turtle guides her to the white ball hovering just above ground. Even in the deep fog the ball pulsates with hypnotic chatoyance. The turtle nods gently as she feels the ball's presence invade her senses. The ball lowers its tap
Week 47-22 - Curiosities SHORT STORIES "Tenth of December" by George Saunders https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/10/31/tenth-of-december "He was a father. That’s what a father does. Eases the burdens of those he loves. Saves the ones he loves from painful last images that might endure for
Week 46-22 - Curiosities ESSAY "Total Eclipse" by Annie Dillard https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/08/annie-dillards-total-eclipse/536148/ "Some tasteless fate presses it upon you; it becomes part of the complex interior junk you carry with you wherever you go." "The Fourth State of Matter" by
Week 46-22 - Haibuno 14 November 2022 A snow globe morning in mourning, reminiscing brewing tea leaf tears They are burgeoning toilet paper artists, masters of shredding away their afternoons in harmonious pleasure. Their antics documented for the Internet despite their lack of social ability. Adapt or die. It is far too cold to
Suicide Hill - Tall Tales I stomp and the snow and ice crust crackles and creaks beneath my boots. Extensions of Wildebeest feet taking me down the road and ready for adventure. My friend Jenny is waiting on the corner. She is all shifting feet fidgety and ready to roll with her Dad's
Week 45-22 - Curiosities ESSAYS "What Hurricanes Taught Puerto Ricans About Feeding Themselves" By Moises Velasquez-Manoff https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/08/magazine/puerto-rico-farms-hurricanes.html "As practiced in Puerto Rico, agroecology often involves polyculture, or growing different crops together; composting; limiting or eschewing synthetic fertilizers and pesticides; and an emphasis
Week 45-22 - Haibuno 7 November 2022 Fails to deliver falling back, the curse of time made up by humans The vagaries of winter dreams are an untidy hangover. We are calcified in persistent parity. We attend to one day of merry making per week. Roll your eyes. Squat daily. The outsiders are feeding
Week 44-22 - Curiosities Making Radiance #4 - AI Generated (2022) Art Mariette van Erp - Mixed Media - Netherlands https://www.mariettevanerp.com/index.php Ousmane Sow - Figurative sculpture (Senegal) http://ousmanesow.com/mac/index.htm "Just us Three" by Brea'n Thompson "The Princess" by Bisa
Week 44-22 - Haibuno 31 October 2022 Halloween Ham help manning candy barricade wandering spirits Filing away another day reinforcing adventurous mediocrity and sublimating nouns. Climax. Pole. Glacier. Week. Bush. A level of me thinking about how I've been. I don't want to be in a rut next year. Or
The Winter Winds - Tall Tales They arrive with rains and unending gray skies. Unwanted, uncalled for, hoary, hairy, and full of malaise and madness. At first it is a slow steady stream of sullen. Then a terrified surprise. The hatches are battened, rubber boots donned, and umbrellas safely tucked away or steeled against the inevitable
Week 43-22 - Curiosities Making Radiance #3 - AI Generated (2022) On Being by Krista Tippett featuring adrienne maree brown "We Are in a Time of New Suns" https://onbeing.org/programs/adrienne-maree-brown-we-are-in-a-time-of-new-suns/ Also check out adrienne maree brown's book Emergent Strategy https://bookshop.org/a/87154/9781849352604 Only 30%
Week 43-22 - Haibuno 24 October 2022 Couch laptop haiku cold day, warm fire, toasty tea cozy season vibes Technological issues interference. Static. Buzz buzz. The stuff that drives us off the deep end. Kaboom. Reveal, unbox, our daily un-enveloping envelopes us, pass the snot bandana. What are you newly into? I'm
Week 42-22 - Curiosities Making Radiance #2 - AI Generated Artwork (2022) I title this "The Apocalypse Issue", you can interpret that however you wish. This is What Happens When Republicans Take Off Their Masks by Jamelle Bouie https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/04/opinion/paul-pelosi-youngkin-lake.html What if Every Moment
Week 42-22 - Haibuno 17 October 2022 The dogs great escape driving all over Mesa turned up back at gate All modes of living reside in one place just up the road. The ruts, bumps, and wiggles it takes to get there are worth the ride. It takes courage to take yourself off line
Week 41-22 - Curiosities Making Radiance - AI Generated Artwork (2022) Haruki Murakami: On Where My Characters Come From - I don't choose them; they choose me. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/12/haruki-murakami-book-novelist-as-a-vocation/671845/ "I unconsciously pull information from various fragments of my brain and then weave them
Week 41-22 - Haibuno 10 October 2022 Monday holiday getting it all done before a visit from Mom The grief came on unexpectedly and could not be quenched. Tears upon tears, pandemic years worth of tears that were never shed. A 2 am cuddle with the cats and sleep disrupted. Red eyes, stiff neck,
Meltemi - Tall Tales She's bathing in moonlight on a sailboat somewhere north of Crete. The stars - millions upon millions more than she's ever seen before. More emerging once the moon sets and the Milky Way arches fully overhead. No soft glow to interrupt the inky darkness. Earlier a
Week 40-22 - Curiosities Do you have a bookmarks graveyard? For this Curiosities post I'm mining the graveyard of my Feedly's "Read Later" to see what I considered book(re)markable, but then never managed to actually read later... until now! What surprised me was how far back
Week 40-22 - Haibuno 3 October 2022 Reading spooky books reverberate with prowess fear reality Just when you think it is over, it isn't. Plain and simple. The miscommunication blues are a rampant and highly medicated epidemic of weariness and loneliness. Act, react, and spontaneously combust. A dumpster fire of rotted manure.
Water Self Down - Animation One Minute on the Mesa No. 2 ‘Water Self Down’ Credits Film & Music: Kiri Hargie Screenings 19 November 2022 - Open Screen @ Taos Center for the Arts
Week 39-22 - Curiosities What I've Been Reading The Testaments by Margaret Atwood https://bookshop.org/a/87154/9780525562627 The Testaments tells the story of three women living different lives that converge fifteen years after Haidmaid's Tale. Thankfully not nearly as creepy as the first book, but no less engrossing.
Week 39-22 - Haibuno 26 September 2022 Monarchs arriving pair dancing in sunflowers queens of the Cosmos The march of fall is riotous colors moving as quickly as possible. "Just passing through" is the daily mantra as everyone flees south, except some fleeing North for their lives, a little too late. You
Georges the Sneaker Log - Tall Tales He was born in a verdant, cacophonous, and ever-changing green sea. The Colony's swooshes, creaks, and groans in time with the crashing waves below. Its mood in time and tune with the whim of nature. He started life so small, his friends continually throwing shade from every direction.
Adieu aux Tournefols - Animation Adieu aux Tournefols 'Goodbye to Sunflowers' One Minute on the Mesa No. 1 565 decaying sunflower heads from 'The Mesa' Credits: Film: Kiri Hargie Music: Aleksey Chistilin Screenings 19 November 2022 - Open Screen @ Taos Center for the Arts
Week 38-22 - Curiosities What I've been Reading The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez - https://bookshop.org/books/the-gilda-stories/9780872866744?aid=87154&listref=what-i-ve-been-reading-a08f4b90-2355-48ff-98e4-09be0ce90946 A romping sensual tale of queer vampires. Pairs well with Octavia Butler's Fledgling. A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore - https://bookshop.org/books/
Week 38-22 - Haibuno 19 September 2022 First zero emails long time coming, freedom from encumbrances The calm before getting it done is filled with practice without judgement. Arise oh playful one! You are hereby summoned to enact the delicious feast of mark making. Huzzah! Meanwhile fascists are cosplaying straight into spooky season, and
Metamorphosis - Tall Tales We set our roots, and push them deeper. A sensual connection that is strange and unnerving. Fibers, tendrils, spill out and lengthen. Some boldly push out, some waver and pause, unsure of themselves. The world is blanketed in white, the edges smoothened moist and decomposing. Laughter and heartache spills through
Week 37-22 - Curiosities Tool of the Week Fall is here, everything is going crispy fast. All those glorious sunflowers everywhere now need to come down. Loppers to the rescue. Love these things. Some of the sunflowers stalks are 2" thick. No problem i'll cut you down to a giant stalk
Week 37-22 - Haibuno 12 September 2022 Collecting wild seed for next years courtyard garden fun exploration Trying to make sense of nonsense in the mind before sleep when everything is slowly drifting elsewhere. Our friends are migrating south for winter and quiet slowly envelopes us. Swan songs serenade a world roiling in turmoil.
Week 36-22 - Curiosities Currently Reading: The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu - https://amzn.to/3qzpsiv translated by Ken Liu Tool of the Week: 48" wood handled digging shovel I've been clearing some land and digging out sage brush. Save yourself a backache and get a proper long wood handled
Week 36-22 - Haibuno 5 September 2022 End of summer joy BBQ all the veggies meat sticks and sunshine The summer's waning chill brings out long pants and hoodies. When the full moon is out you can see the front moving southward as clear as day. Lightning leaves a long tail of
Week 35-22 - Curiosities Art of the Week: Rick Barton's Sketchbooks - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/22/arts/design/rick-barton-drawings-morgan-library.html - illustrating that the most simple is the most beautiful - pen and ink observations on paper. "a workaday recluse who sought self-knowledge by way of a monastic
Week 35-22 - Haibuno 29 August 2022 Another Boom Boom pierces the afternoon haze with something to say Ahead of schedule for the first time feeling good. Some things are locked, some are open. Some are just around the corner lingering creepily. Mixing images to form new meanings. Playing in digital sandboxes is the
Week 34-22 - Curiosities Currently Reading: I'm on my last novel (Fledgling) and Collected stories in my OEB (re)reading marathon. Such an incredible artist and thinker. Tool of the Week: Zebra Sarasa Clip 0.5 (Vintage Colors) Gloriously smooth and the vintage colors are understated and lovely to use. This is
Week 34-22 - Haibuno 22 August 2022 Sticking to schedule pulling words out of my brain cement snag persist Resonant frequencies are humming serenades to the “awareness of awareness” from which our creative restlessness springs. Losing sleep over losing creativity. The awareness of space and place lost to the oddities of house projects. Exhausted
Week 33-22 - Curiosities Solanum rostratum (Buffalo Bur) - a noxious Nightshade, highly toxic and pokey - plucked and bagged for disposal. They can distribute vast quantities of seed. APP of the Week iNaturalist - https://www.inaturalist.org/ Since we've been getting a deluge of rain this monsoon season (love it!
Week 33-22 - Haibuno 15 August 2022 Starting new project maddening bureaucracy one doc at a time Stuck in a rut of 'no ideas' but refusing to pay the piper or solicit dreams from strangers. I'll sit here and scroll and wait for the divine spark that has no divine
Week 32-22 - Curiosities The Rise of the Worker Productivity Score is a fascinating and disturbing read: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/08/14/business/worker-productivity-tracking.html Which brings me to thinking about...Choosing what to do with your life? Because being tracked by your workplace is grotesque. Aquinas suggests If we want
Week 32-22 - Haibuno 8 August 2022 Mountains bathed in clouds sonorous thunder echoes can't hide forever Riding an arc overnight. Arriving at a destination unannounced. Sunflowers dance, bunnies hop, lizards scurry, one man coughs. We are not quite past the 'is he contagious' phase. As things get more extreme,
Week 31-22 - Haibuno 1. August 2022 Black clouds to the West signal cooler and wetter a welcome reprieve Creativity wavers between capturing and synthesizing. A horn blows on the horizon and a lightning bolt fires from the sky. It is no finger from God instead a magnificent physicality. Virga to rain. Ashes to
ABCSCI Coloring Book II - Coloring Books ABCSCI Coloring Book Volume 2 is a 12 page printable coloring book with science facts about geological processes, biological critters, and commonly found trees. These are black and white images for you to color in and learn from based on original posts on my ABCSCI project on Instagram (@ABCSCI).
ABCSCI Coloring Book I- Coloring Book ABCSCI Coloring Book Volume 1 is a 12 page printable coloring book with science facts about geological processes, biological critters, and commonly found trees. These are black and white images for you to color in and learn from based on original posts on my ABCSCI project on Instagram (@ABCSCI).
Pack It Out - Zine Pack It Out is a mini-zine with helpful reminders about removing or burying human and pet waste when recreating outdoors. The goal is to always leave the places we love in nature cleaner than we found them! I've created a printable mini-zine as a handy little guide that
The Ten Essentials System - Zine 'The Ten Essentials' is a system approach to helping people be prepared for emergency situations in the outdoors. The system was originally a list created in the 1930s by The Mountaineers, a Seattle-based organization for climbers and outdoors adventurers. I've created a printable mini-zine illustrating the
10950 - Animation 10,950 (2012-) Jack London says “You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club.” 10,950 follows the paradigm that to have success in any field you must practice a specific task for around 10,000 hours. I will be drawing 30 – 3″
The Places Left in Passing - Animation The Places Left in Passing an experimental animated short by Kiri Hargie The Places Left in Passing is a 2:23 minute experimental animation that mixes video, animation, and sound design. The film creates an illusory space as negative spaces of past places are animated, encouraging and nagging voices bite
The Lunatics - Installation SYNOPSIS The Lunatics is a 6.5 minute truly interactive, animated fairytale exploring the modern day tug of war between consumption and creation. The Lunatics is presented using a ground breaking, new form of participatory theater, which combines projected animation, sound design and physical participation to redefine the roles of