Week 08-25 - Curiosities

Greetings from the Mesa
We set out for a mini adventure to southern Colorado to cross the Rio Grande at the one-lane historic Los Lobatos bridge in S. San Luis Valley. We arrived at the bridge to find a bald eagle fishing (successfully). The bridge is 'out there', and we enjoyed the beautiful "severe clear" day tail gating and enjoying the view. It was a delightfully quiet counterpoint to the autocratic hellscape in which we are now enmeshed (blah). Winter has seemed to come and gone and we are making forward progress on some improvements around the property. Otherwise we've been sitting in front of the wood stove enjoying some distracting game time with Quiddler and Bananagrams. I've been working on a new haiku/haibun project about Taos County that is video based, and have done a couple "proof of concept" pieces. Will see where those take me...
Curiosities of the Week
- Really digging playing Quiddler and Bananagrams completely non-competitively. There's something so soothing about making simple words. Next up Exploding Kittens. Game time in front of the fire is keeping us sane.

- I Would Follow This Poem to Hell and Back (NYT) A.O. Scott takes a deep dive into Gwendolyn Brooks (one of my favorite poets) sonnet 'my dreams, my works, must wait till after hell'. Loved the presentation style.
- Ever since going to Nosa for high tea been hankering to make some Blood Orange Curd. This week they finally had blood oranges at the grocery.
- New Coronavirus Discovered in Chinese Bats Sparks Alarm (Newsweek). Oh goodie.
Currently Reading: Still reading Lady of Avalon and Babel. Haven't been on a regular reading schedule this month.
TV/Movies: Devoured Mo S1 & S2. Such an unexpected surprise. Deeply funny, deeply sensitive. Highly recommend.
Music: Shirley Bassey Get This Party Started
Thinking about:
Thanks for reading, see you next week!