Week 1-23 - Curiosities

- I’m trying a new web browser from The Browser Company called Arc. This post was written within the browser using Arc’s Spaces & Notes features. It might be a game changer for getting posts started, and writing/browsing on the fly. I’m not ready to commit to Arc full time just yet, but we shall see. If you would like to give Arc a try, I have 5 invites: https://arc.net/gift/631f97e5 first come first served. If you try it, let me know what you think.
- An ode to a patch… In the Stacks (Maisie’s Tune) is a wonderful short story by Robin Sloan. “I pulled more cables, faster now, and the patch crumbled, the way a life does, sometimes; you remove an invisible support, and learn there was nothing waiting underneath it.”

3. A. J. Jacobs discovers that Trying to Live a Day Without Plastic is impossible. I appreciated his whole hearted efforts to explore this topic.
4. We watched The Pale Blue Eye this week, which was a meh way of starting 2023 movie watching. The movie is peak dark and mumbly. I’m not the only one who’s had enough with the dark and mumbling! The highlight of the movie was Gillian Anderson having a fit at the dinner table. Mumbling is deliberate? Subtitles are the new normal?
Prior to watching the movie we watched the short documentary Little Miss Sumo about Hiyori Kon, a female sumo wrestler, which was excellent, but wished it was much longer.

5. Henry Segerman has made a spherical 15 puzzle with pentagonal pieces that his way of visualizing continental drift. He’s made a video describing the puzzle in more detail, and the nerdy is amazing. Know any manufacturers that will help him produce this?
— Thanks for reading, before you go…
Also this week on OWW: Photos, and Haibuno
I’m listening to new music, every single day in 2023, check out the playlist!
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