Week 21-23 - Photos

22 May 2023: Miga thinks she's a cat.

23 May 2023: Who needs a lawnmower when we you have cottontails?

24 May 2023: Says Phoebes babies are emerging from nestzilla! This is the third year in a row they've nested in this spot.

25 May 2023: Spotted riders incoming for the Red River Rally, which ended early because of a shooting between rival gangs. The night of the shooting the town of Taos declared a curfew and a ban on alcohol sales overnight. Circle the wagons!

26 May 2023: Our workshop/storage container finally arrived, cannot wait to get stuff moved in there and out of house and the studio workshop. Also provides excellent wind protection for the outdoor garden space.

27 May 2023: First thunderstorms have been rolling through, and it's not even monsoon season yet!

28 May 2023: A break in the rain allowed us to get hammockville set up with shade cloths and the lounge chairs. Miga was first on the hammock.