Week 34-23 - Photos

21 August 2023: Vacation continues - a day of hot spring soaking at Ojo Caliente.

22 August 2023: KP's friend is in town and we went to the Taos Pueblo for a short visit.

23 August 2023: Terrible picture of our corn that was ravaged by mice. We managed to save one cob. The carnage in the garden this year was terrible. Still managed to grow some food though.

24 August 2023: We dropped KP's friend off in ABQ and then went south for a quick visit to Truth or Consequences, Hatch, and Socorro.

25 August 2023: Green chile cheeseburger, fries with green chile queso, and a green chile chocolate milkshake from Sparky's in Hatch, NM. We also picked up a 40lb sack of green chile.

26 August 2023: On the way back up home we stopped at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Mineral Museum in Socorro, NM. Really great collection - and it's FREE. Their bookstore is really great too!

27 August 2023: Back for more staycation lounging on the deck with Miga. Beautiful end of summer weather.