Week 7-23 - Curiosities

This week on Hargie:
Week 6-23 - Haibuno
Week 7-23 - Photos

This week throwing out support for some wonderful friends first:

  1. My friend Bethany is posting some lovely mixes at her mixcloud My Resonant Frequencies. https://www.mixcloud.com/myresonantfrequencies/
This is a sound experiment. I wanted to create mixes throughout the year that would allow me to play with the idea of listening to the celestial bodies. Through this practice I am finding new (and old) music to love, my resonant frequencies, while studying the astrological mythos of the constellations. I follow the sun through the 13 constellations along the ecliptic, adding a song for each day. Listen to hear the subtle shifts through the seasons and the waxing and waning of energy as we orbit the sun.

2. My friend Vickie has terminal cancer and is trying to reach her last two states in the US - Alaska and Hawaii, she has been an instrumental force in my musical education, and a fervid supporter of female musicians (http://www.suspended-in-gaffa.com/) for decades. I know it's a long shot, but if you would support her it would mean so much to Vickie to get to these last two states. In the near future I will write more about Vickie and her influence on my musical sensibilities.

And here's some news from elsewhere:

3. The puzzling gap between how old you are and how old you think you are. There are good reasons you always feel 20 percent younger than your actual age. By Jennifer Senior

Related: https://oldster.substack.com/p/tell-me-your-chronological-age-and?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

4. Magic paper - on the wonderful world of cutout animation, https://animationobsessive.substack.com/p/magic-paper

Shadow puppets, shadow theatres, and shadow films : Reiniger, Lotte : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
126 pages, 2 unnumbered leaves of plates : 26 cm

5. Beyond the haiku moment

— Thanks for reading, before you go…

I’m listening to new music, every single day, check out the playlist!

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Jamie Larson